Here's a running compilation of massively helpful links that I've come across over the years that correspond to each phase of launching and operating a startup.
Getting from Zero to One (What To Do Before You Launch)
Dave Lerner: My Series on Getting from Zero to One
Paul Graham: Look in the Mirror (partial) and Look in the Mirror (full)
Venture Hacks: Quick and Dirty Guide to Starting Up
Thinking About Names for Your Startup
Julian Shapiro, Founder of NameLayer, gives an excellent overview
Understanding the Meaning of a Lean Startup
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Finding A Technical Co-Founder
Humbled MBA: Stop Asking How to Find One: (You Have to Earn One)
Tech Crunch: Stop Looking for a Technical CoFounder
Pitching People
Founder Institute's One Sentence Pitch concept
Understanding Lean Incubation & Investing
Dave McClure, in his inimitable way, lays it out