This is part of my Series on Getting from Zero to One.
Last time I encouraged entrepreneurs (especially first-timers) to be orchestral and actually map-out their startup early on.I further recommended that once created this map ought to be printed out and prominently displayed over their workspace so they could refer to it every once in a while during the work day so as to stay focused.
Because of the interest and questions this last post generated, I’ve gone a step further with a more fleshed-out map of a fledgling start-up. Hopefully first-time entrepreneurs may find it to be a helpful template as they create their own maps.
Below you’ll see a template map fleshing out the various ingredients needed to get a startup off the ground. The three legs of the stool are technology, team and money. (I’ve also added a university section (in red) in the event you intend on spinning-out technology from a university’s tech transfer office or venture lab.)
Remember- everyone's map is their own and you should customize it to suit your own needs.
(Lastly, as the print is quite small on this map, simply click on it and it will open in a separate window)