I was talking to my friend and colleague Chris Wiggins today about the upcoming Hackathon. Chris, Evan Korth and Hilary Mason as you may know are the visionary founders of HackNY. If you haven't heard of it, it's perhaps one of the best opportunities for student hackers to dive into the startup scene and for startups to identify super-talented student hackers. Read all about it below and check out this awesome video to get a taste of what these hackathons are all about. Here's what you need to to do to apply:
ATTENTION ALL NYC-AREA STUDENTS AND STARTUPS: hackNY is thrilled to announce the fall 2010 hackNY student hackathon October 9-10! In April, more than 200 students from almost 40 NYC-area schools participated in the first ever NYC-area student hackathon. Some of NYC’s hottest startups presented their APIs, shared their datasets, and helped organize students into teams of coding monsters to work on projects of their own design. 24 hours of pizza, caffeine, and intense hacking later, teams demo’ed their code for appreciative judges from the NYC startup community. Winning teams presented at the New York Tech Meetup in front of an audience of hundreds of NYC area technologists, and several participants went on to join the 2010 class of hackNY Fellows, interning at NYC startups. For more about the Spring 2010 hackathon, see the FAQ or the movie by Eric Wu, official hackmeister of the Yahoo Developers Network. The Fall hackNY hackathon will be October 9-10, back at NYU’s Courant Institute; we look forward to seeing what members of the NYC-area student hacking population will create! Hackers: please hack on whatever you want but if you’re competing, we STUDENTS: Register here. STARTUPS: Apply here to present at the Fall 2010 hackNY hackathon. You will be asked for your startup’s name, a description of the API or dataset or other tech you’d like to demo, and availability to help organize teams among the student hacking population. ABOUT HACKNY: hackNY is an initiative founded to federate and mentor the next generation of NYC tech all-stars. During the summer we organize the hackNY Fellows program, including internships with NYC-area startups as well as a lecture series and housing. During the school year we organize student hackathons to introduce students to fellow members of the hacking population and to the exciting startups in NYC where their skills are enthusiastically needed. For more information just email info@hackNY.org. ABOUT HACKING: note that all hacking will be of the awesome variety, not the evil variety. Thanks.
are only accepting hacks based on APIs or datasets presented at the start of the hackathon.